
Give your listing some help and sell quicker


Grab Real Estate offers a range of free and paid services to help you sell or lease your real estate. Paid services are purely optional of course, but they make a lot of sense especially for people who are not experienced at selling real estate, or even for those who are experienced, but just want the best chance they can get at selling quickly. Unless stated otherwise, all services (free and paid) are for a period of 90 consecutive days purchased at the time of listing or a later date (as needed) and they may be extended or renewed as required.

We encourage and invite you to list for free with Grab Real Estate. We think you will be pleasantly surprised with our listing service. Whether you are a private Seller or Agent, you may list up to 100 listings with us absolutely free of charge - no fees and no commission.

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Service Price
Free Listing - for sale, for rent, for sale and rent, wanted and partnership offers. All inquiries are sent to you to deal with and you can continue renewing as long as you need to for free. Private and Agent listings welcome. Please see full details at our Free Listings Page FREE - no fees and no commission
Listing Highlight - Your Listing heading is highlighted in yellow wherever it appears in this site to make it stand out from the others and be seen Please Login
Push to Top - Don't you just hate it when people add new advertisements and your advertisement goes down the list? The solution is 'push to top'. At any time during the 90 consecutive days after you have purchased 'push to top' you can just login, go to your dashboard and push your advertisement to the top again! Please Login
Extra Photos - A Free Listing allows you to upload and display up to 5 photos of your listing. If you would like to add more to assist or encourage buyers to contact you, you can buy an additional allowance of 10 (meaning you can display up to 15 photos) Please Login
Feature Listing - Home Page - Your listing is featured on our home page Please Login
Feature Listing - World Region Page - Your listing is featured on the world regional page applicable to your listing (for example, Asia) Please Login
Feature Listing - Country Page - Your listing is featured on the country page applicable to your listing (for example, Hong Kong) Please Login
Feature Listing - District Page - Your listing is featured on the district page applicable to your listing (for example, Kwun Tong) Please Login
Feature Listing - Area Page - Your listing is featured on the area page applicable to your listing (for example, Kowloon Bay) Please Login
Websites/Portals Advertising - We list your advertisement in 10 relevant websites in Hong Kong and world-wide. If you make any changes to your advertisement during this time, we will update the sites too Please Login
Social Media Advertising - Your advertisement is rotated through multiple face book pages and groups relevant to your listing, twitter, MeWe, LinkedIn, Instagram and others. It will appear in one of these social media platforms about every 8 to 10 days and from our experience, this is about the right frequency of exposure. During the course of the 90 days it will receive a very wide audience of several thousand's of people who have an interest in your category of listing Please Login
Face Book Boost - Your advertisement is placed in our Grab Real Estate Facebook Page and we apply a Facebook boost to it targeted in your locality. We direct inquiries to you as the point of contact in the boost or redirect them to you as you choose Please Login
Extra Listings - We allow you to post up to 100 listings free of charge. If you would like more, you may buy them in blocks of 100, meaning that if you buy one block of 100, you are allowed to post up to 200 (100 free and 100 you paid for) Please Login

You need to sell your real estate right and you are looking for a broker? Grab Real Estate is a viable option for you. Industry standard commission rates, no up-front fees, non-exclusive rights and we do an excellent job of promoting your listing via this site, many others and also through social media. We lead you all the way from listing to sale and give you access in your own dashboard to manage your listing and monitor progress.

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Service Price
Managed Listing - Engage Grab Real Estate to Sell/Lease your real estate. We go far and wide in an effort to find you a buyer. Please see full details at our Managed Listings Page Commission-Based
Listing Highlight - Your Listing heading is highlighted in yellow wherever it appears in this site to make it stand out from the others and be seen Please Login
Push to Top - Don't you just hate it when people add new advertisements and your advertisement goes down the list? The solution is 'push to top'. At any time during the 90 consecutive days after you have purchased 'push to top' you can just login, go to your dashboard and push your advertisement to the top again! Please Login
Feature Listing - Home Page - Your listing is featured on our home page Please Login
Feature Listing - World Region Page - Your listing is featured on the world regional page applicable to your listing (for example, Asia) Please Login
Feature Listing - Country Page - Your listing is featured on the country page applicable to your listing (for example, Hong Kong) Please Login
Feature Listing - District Page - Your listing is featured on the district page applicable to your listing (for example, Kwun Tong) Please Login
Feature Listing - Area Page - Your listing is featured on the area page applicable to your listing (for example, Kowloon Bay) Please Login
Face Book Boost - Your advertisement is placed in our Grab Real Estate Facebook Page and we apply a Facebook boost to it targeted in your locality Please Login

A Multiple List Service (MLS) Agent is an agent or broker who makes their listings available for co-brokering with other MLS-Agents. There is significant benefit in doing this as it broadens the reach and interest of the listing in an effort to find a buyer. Because an MLS sale will always involve two agents, the agents share the commission. So instead of having one agent working for a seller, the sellers effectively have many agents working for them. It doesn't matter whether an agent is attached to a franchise or is an independent operator, either may choose to offer their listings to other MLS-Agents. While the MLS-Agent's commission is reduced from 100% to 50% for the listing agent, sales usually happen quicker and more frequently and this makes up for the reduced/shared commission and also keeps the agents' customers very happy.

Sometimes MLS-Agents choose not to make listings available to other MLS-Agents and this is quite a valid approach in some instances. Similarly, sellers sometimes instruct their agents not to make their listings available to MLS-Agents. Again, there can be good reason for this. Suffice to say, registering as an MLS-Agent with Grab Real Estate does not force an agent to 'share' listings, but does give them the ability to do so and to share in other MLS-Agents shared listings.

When a listing is placed in this website by Agents or Brokers, they are noted as being either available or unavailable as an MLS listing. If available for MLS, our MLS-Agents are given additional and relevant data and access to additional tools to participate in the sale or lease of the listing and share in the commission.

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Service Price
MLS-Agent - Join our team of MLS Agents and access MLS-Agent only details for MLS-tagged listings. Your contact details are entered into our MLS database and are promoted in this site. You may enter up to 200 listings without additional charge instead of the normal 100 and you may buy more blocks of 100 listings as needed. MLS-Agents have a specific login giving them access to more work and analyses tools and data pertaining to sold listings Please Login
Extra Listings - MLS-Agents may post up to 200 listings free of charge. If you would like more, you may buy them in blocks of 100, meaning that if you buy one block of 100, you are allowed to post up to 300 (200 free and 100 you paid for) Please Login

We invite you to come onboard with Grab Real Estate and be part of our team.

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Grab Real Estate Franchisee - We offer Franchisee's a 100% commission model, advanced login features including agent management, multiple agents (integrated) login, leads generation and management, advanced analyses, access to past sales data and a lot more. Of course we also provide centralized marketing and advertising (online and social media) promotion and assistance and use of our world-wide brand. Conditions apply and those interested should contact us for more details. We are currently accepting franchise applications for Hong Kong and 54 other countries world-wide. We do impose limitations on the numbers and locations of franchise offices.
Grab Real Estate Broker - A Grab Real Estate Broker is typically a small real estate agency or agent not aligned with another franchise or group wishing to take advantage of the advanced online tools, branding power and centralized marketing and advertising available from the Grab Real Estate network of Brokers. Conditions apply and those interested should contact us for more details.

Please order Services in your dashboard when logged in to this site.

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2.  Login
3.  You can order Services in your Dashboard


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