"While Africa is first of the continents alphabetically, it is second in both population and size among the Earth's seven"
"Africa is home to over 1 billion people who speak over 1,500 different languages"
Currency Price (if rent) per Period
ARS 3,000,000
BRL 34,000,000
BRL 300,000
CLP 34,000,000
BRL 50,000
CLP 340,000
BRL 600,000 per month
ARS 100,000
BRL 70,000
Currency Price (if rent) per Period
According to Lalaine C. Delmendo of Global Property Guide, South African home owners have had little to celebrate for the decade from 2008 to 2018. Real house prices in South Africa (after inflation) dropped by about 4.8%. The poor performance continued throughout 2019 and is expected be 4.5% (at best) in 2020 trailing the annual inflation forecast of 5.4%
Foreigners can own immovable property in many African countries without restriction, however most foreign investment is being made in the commercial sector.